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Creation Illustrated - Summer 2024

Feel free to check out the latest edition of Creation Illustrated.  The SUMMER '24 edition is packed with powerful blessings from God's Creation!

Creation Illustrated - Spring 2024

By James Leonard   |  April 5, 2024

We're excited to be a part of the Spring 2024 issue of Creation Illustrated magazine!

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Homeschool Reading Difficulties: My Child Doesn’t Like to Read!

By James Leonard   |  November 1, 2023

Is your child struggling in school? It could all be tied to him saying “I don’t like to read!”. Find out what it really means, and how to correct-course!

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Keywords: reading

5 Benefits of ACE Homeschool Math Curriculum

By James Leonard   |  July 17, 2023

Homeschool Math Problems? Help students conquer math with individualized ACE Homeschool Math Curriculum - Give it a try any time of year!

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Why Choosing (and Sticking with) The Right Homeschool Math Curriculum Matters

By James Leonard   |  July 7, 2023

With so many options, choosing a homeschool math curriculum can be difficult. Get tips for making the right choice to last your child’s entire education.

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Creation Illustrated - Spring 2023

By James Leonard   |  May 5, 2023

We're excited to be a part of the Spring 2023 issue of Creation Illustrated magazine! Check it out, here!

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Homeschool Customer Service Isn’t Meeting Expectations?

By James Leonard   |  February 23, 2023

Fed up with the lack of support from your current homeschool curriculum provider? You’re not alone. This could help.

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Creation Illustrated - Winter 2023

January 25, 2023

We're excited to be a part of the Winter 2023 issue of Creation Illustrated magazine!

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Student Math Scores are Plummeting - What can we do?

By James Leonard   |  December 22, 2022

Recent data shows that student’s math scores are at a new low - What can we do to help our children succeed in math?

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Keywords: math scores

Homeschooling Struggles: Should You Throw In The Towel?

By James Leonard   |  November 17, 2022

If you’re struggling with homeschooling - don’t give up yet! it’s important to understand what might be going on, and why many new homeschooling parents wind up frustrated at first.

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The Top Christian Homeschool Programs

By James Leonard   |  August 23, 2022

Your guide to finding the best Christian Homeschool Program for your student!

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Creation Illustrated - Summer 2022 Edition

By James Leonard   |  July 21, 2022

We're excited to be a part of the latest issue of Creation Illustrated magazine! Take a look at the fantastic articles within their latest edition...

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What Denomination is ACE Homeschool Curriculum?

By James Leonard   |  June 27, 2022

Curious to know which denomination ACE homeschool curriculum is associated with? Click to learn more!

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Summer School Planning Starts Now!

By James Leonard   |  May 27, 2022

Learn why summer school is important this year more than ever - and why you should start planning for it now!

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ACE: Best Christian Homeschool Curriculum for Traveling Families

By James Leonard   |  May 6, 2022

Want your kids to learn on the go? See why ACE is the best Christian homeschool curriculum for traveling families!

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Is ACE Homeschool Curriculum Online or Paper-Based?

By James Leonard   |  March 21, 2022

Learn about the important differences between online and paper-based homeschool curriculum, and how the ACE approach could work for you!

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What’s the difference between A.C.E., Abeka, and Bob Jones homeschool curriculum?

By James Leonard   |  March 16, 2022

Your guide to the key differences between ACE, Abeka, and Bob Jones homeschool curriculum.

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How has pandemic-induced fear impacted my child and their ability to learn?

By James Leonard   |  January 28, 2022

Parents are reporting concerns for their children’s mental health in response to school during a pandemic. Here’s how to help.

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What Grade Level Is Right For My Child?

By James Leonard   |  January 18, 2022

Help your child learn more effectively by discovering their true grade levels!

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What’s Missing In Your Child’s Education In 2021 (and Beyond)?

By James Leonard   |  December 1, 2021

If you’re like most parents, you’re probably wondering what your child is missing out on in their academics. According to many, it’s actually pretty concerning!

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Switching to Homeschool Mid-Year

By James Leonard   |  November 19, 2021

Did your child struggle academically, socially, or spiritually in public school this past semester? Are you worried about sending them back for the second half of the year? It’s not too late to consider a switch to homeschooling.

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Did COVID Sneak Critical Race Theory Into Your School?

By James Leonard   |  September 13, 2021

During the COVID distraction, Critical Race Theory has been weaseled into many school districts, directly against the will (or knowledge) of parents.

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Remote Learning Isn’t Working. Now What?

By James Leonard   |  April 6, 2021

Have you and your child had a rough time with remote learning? It’s time to get them back on track and help them recover from the distance learning disconnect.

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A Grandma's Testimony About Home Schooling

March 31, 2021

A few weeks ago, we posted a blog about how grandparents are taking a more active role in the homeschooling of their grandchildren. Here's another recent testimonial from a sun-loving grandma from Florida, who has been excited to see just how effective this approach can be (even if she was hesitant to give it a shot!).

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Testimony of a Summer Homeschooling Grandmother

By James Leonard   |  March 5, 2021

It's always fun to hear from other people how much they're getting out of a summer homeschool education - and this one just warms our heart! Check out this incredible testimony from a grandparent who used our program last summer.

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How Grandparents Help with Homeschooling

February 22, 2021

More and more we are seeing grandparents homeschooling their grandchildren. Here's how to make the process a success for everyone!

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Best Kindergarten Homeschool Curriculum: ACE vs. Rod & Staff

By James Leonard   |  November 16, 2020

As you weigh your options to choose the best kindergarten homeschool curriculum for your child, consider ACE or Rod & Staff. Here’s why.

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The Benefits of an All-in-One Homeschool Curriculum

By James Leonard   |  October 7, 2020

An all-in-one homeschool curriculum is neither cheating nor lazy. It’s freeing and could be the right solution for your family - here's why!

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Homeschool History Curriculum from a Biblical Worldview

By James Leonard   |  August 26, 2020

Concerned about finding the right homeschool history curriculum for your children? Consider BCE: Grades 1-12. Biblical worldview. Engaging lessons. Grounded in truth.

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Homeschooling FAQ - Is ACE Curriculum Accredited?

By James Leonard   |  June 9, 2020

Take a look at the ACE Curriculum, understand why it cannot be accredited, and make sure you're actually enrolling in an accredited homeschool program that's best for your child

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How to Create a Stress-Free Homeschool Experience During COVID-19

By James Leonard   |  April 2, 2020

The coronavirus has forced many families into homeschooling. Here’s how to make it a great experience for you and your child.

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