Homeschooling FAQ - Is ACE Curriculum Accredited?

By James Leonard

June 9, 2020

Since 1982, Basic Christian Education has provided a high-quality academic program to homeschooling families. As an accredited homeschool institution, we understand the importance of quality education that meets national standards. In this post, we’ll answer all your questions about accreditation and our ACE curriculum.

What does it mean for a homeschool institution to be accredited?

If a homeschool organization is accredited, that means it’s fulfilling its stated purpose with integrity and excellence. Accreditation is a process in which school standards are evaluated by an accreditation agency. In the United States, this process is not completed by the federal government but by states or private companies with varying rules and standards. Each individual school makes the decision about accreditation. 

There are many common misconceptions about accreditation. If you attended an accredited high school, it may look better on transcripts when applying for college, but ultimately it’s about the education you’re receiving and if you can pass the necessary tests to get into college.

As The Home School Mom puts it:

“We have all been conditioned to think that when something is labeled ‘certified’ or ‘accredited’, it is somehow superior to those things that are not, but this is not necessarily true for education.”

Accreditation is important, but we may be putting too much weight on it in today’s educational environment.

Is ACE Curriculum Accredited?

The simple answer is: No, the ACE curriculum itself is not accredited.

This is because a curriculum cannot actually be accredited in the first place. Educational institutions (like BCE) can be accredited, but individual curriculums cannot.

For example: BCE Academy is an accredited homeschool institution that utilizes the ACE curriculum, but ACE itself isn’t accredited.

How is BCE accredited?

BCE is accredited through the National Association of Private Schools (NAPS). NAPS is a consortium of Christian educators and schools from across the United States. The association is dedicated to recognizing and improving the character and educational quality of private Christian schools.

How have BCE students succeeded with the ACE curriculum?

ACE curriculum’s methodology works for all ages and abilities. The curriculum is built around making sure the child excels at what they have the ability to excel at and makes sure kids are proficient in their weaker areas.

Here are just a few testimonials:

"As a homeschool mom, I have used Basic Christian Education for twenty years with our eight children. Four of them have now graduated. I appreciate the structure and ease this curriculum offers and I am very pleased with the results! I recommend BCE to interested individuals because I believe it is a competent and user-friendly curriculum. Who wouldn't want that?” - Charlene (BCE customer)

"Dear Basic Christian Ed, I have used your Christian based curriculum since 1986 for my 3 children. Two of my children already have been very successful in jobs that give them a promising future. Although, as a mom, I pray for my children to look to God first in their lives, we have to function in society the best we can to ensure we do our best to reach a fulfilling life. I know that Basic Christian Ed. was the foundation and building blocks for many years. And now they are moving on into the next phases." - Janice G. (BCE customer)

Do you still have questions about ACE curriculum or accreditation?

If you still have questions, please reach out! Simply fill out the contact form or give us a call and we’ll talk over your questions until you feel confident in your choice of curriculum.

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