Health (PACEs 1–6) (1/2 Credit)
The student:
- Learns the importance of proper nutrition, both spiritual and physical; types of nutrients; a balanced approach to exercise, diet, and weight loss.
- Examines a Biblical view of tobacco, alcohol, harmful drugs, sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, and mental and emotional health.
- Gains valuable information on safety in six basic areas: home, transportation, job, school, personal safety, and safety for children.
- Learns about basic first aid treatment and care such as bites, bleeding, burns, fractures, and choking, taking a temperature or pulse, and blood pressure reading.
Nutrition Science (PACEs 1–6) (1/2 Credit)
A practical course that includes projects and recipes can be used as a ½ year credit in Science, Health or Economics.
Includes topics on:
- Developing Good Daily Habits
- Importance of a Balanced Diet
- Seven Major Nutrients Found in Food
- Planning Your Eating
- The importance of drinking plenty of water
- Good and bad facts
- Best ways to include fiber in your diet
- Whole Grains
- Starches – complex carbohydrates
- Sweets – simple carbohydrates
- Animal and Vegetable proteins
- Principles of combining proteins
- Ways to prepare beans
- Vitamin deficiency diseases
- Fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins
- Mineral – macro minerals and trace minerals
- Using vitamin knowledge in your daily habits
- Variety Vegetables
- Favorite Fruits
- Lifetime weight control
Successful Living
Studies in Proverbs the first 9 chapters (1 Credit)
The course encourages the student to have proper attitudes and levels of commitment culminating in using wisdom in life choices.
Topics studied:
- Proper attitude toward God
- Proper attitude toward authority
- Proper attitude toward money
- Proper attitude toward wisdom
- Four levels of commitment to God
- Dangers of Evil Man and the Strange Woman Qualities of the Virtuous Woman
- Happiness - Six inward qualities to develop - Priorities to establish
- Happiness - Developing solid relationships
- Education - The qualifications of a teacher-What should be taught?
- Marriage - The preciousness of marriage displayed against the backdrop if infidelity
- Work Ethic - Two habits that build a career- Two distractions that ruin a career
- Temptations of life - Dangers to avoid - Decisions to make
- Wisdom - How to find wisdom throughout life
- Conclusion - The two choices
New Testament Survey (PACEs 1097–1108) (1 Credit) updated 2018
This course is designed to introduce the high school student to the penman, the place, the period, the problem, the peculiarities, the purpose, and the plan of each book. The Inter-Testamental Period, and Matthew through Revelation are studied. This course contains a special project the student must accomplish with his pastor before completing the final PACE Test. Student will read through the entire New Testament during this course.
Old Testament Survey (PACEs 1109–1120) (1 Credit) updated 2019
This is a comprehensive course designed to provide the high school student with a book-by-book understanding of the Old Testament. The chronology, history, setting, and content of the Old Testament are examined in such a way that the student’s comprehension of it is increased. This study covers the introduction, preparation for Bible study, and authority of the books of the Bible. The covenants, time periods, laws, poetical books, and Minor Prophets are just a sample of topics that are discussed.
New Testament Church History (PACES 121–132) (1 Credit)
This fascinating study tracing the roots of church history will develop the student’s appreciation of the Church’s role from its earliest days. It is intended for the upper-level high school student. The subject matter explains God’s plan for the formation and spread of the Church and the extension of the Gospel.
New Testament Church History – From an Anabaptist Perspective (1 Credit)
Written by: William McGrath Edited by: Harold Brenneman
Reviewers: Enos Heatwole, Ernest Hochstetler, Amzie Yoder, Dallas Meador, Abe Schwartz
- Overview of Biblical History (the centrality of Jesus Christ in history).
- Old Testament, Inter- Testament History and New Testament History
- Christ’s New Testament Church Established
- Our Sources of His Story –The Gospels
- Christ’s Ministry-Selecting and Training the Apostles
- Expansion of the Apostolic Church
- The Persecuted Church, The Chronology of Reformation Denominations, How God Has Preserved the Anabaptist, Histories of Mennonite and Related Churches
- Understanding: the Smyrna Age Chronology, the Pergamos Age Chronology, the Thyatira Age Chronology, the Sardis Age Chronology, the Philadelphia Age Chronology, the “Laodicean Age” Chronology, the Laodicean Age Chronology
Life of Christ (PACES 133–144) (1 Credit) updated 2021
The student:
- Examines the historic and cultural background of the New Testament.
- Studies the nature of the Gospels.
- Considers the Galilean ministry of Christ.
- Follows Christ’s Berean and Judean ministries.
- Visualizes the triumphal entry of Christ and His final public teaching.
- Witnesses the final hours of Christ with His disciples.
- Studies the resurrection and post-resurrection appearances of Christ.
- Gains insights that will enhance his personal walk with the Saviour.
Christian Growth (PACES 133–138) (1/2 Credit)
The student reads:
- The School of Obedience by Andrew Murray, an encouragement to Believers to follow the Lord’s example of obedience in life and ministry.
- The Hour That Changes the World by Dick Eastman, a plan with practical suggestions for the Christian who wants to improve prayer life.
- Nervous Christians by L. G. Little and T. H. Epp, a study of nervous disorders, psychosomatic suffering, and psychotherapy as written by a Christian doctor.
- The Spirit-Controlled Temperament by Tim LaHaye, a discussion of the four basic temperaments and how God uses them in a Christian life dedicated to Him.
- When a Christian Sins by John R. Rice, an examination of what happens when a Christian sins—how his life is affected, and how he can avoid sin.
- This Way to Happiness by Clyde M. Narramore, a survey of the basic needs of all humanity and how they are all met fully in Christ.
Introduction to Missions (PACEs 1–6) (1/2 Credit)
The student:
- Is introduced to worldwide missions.
- Gains an appreciation of what has helped shape the path of mission work.
- Reads:
- Peril by Choice by James Hefley, the story of John and Elaine Beekman, missionaries to Mexico and Guatemala.
- Peace Child by Don Richardson, the story of Don and Carol Richardson, missionaries to what is now Papua, Indonesia.
- Beyond the Next Mountain by Mawii Pudaite, the story of Rochunga Pudaite, native of India, who translated the Bible into the Hmar language.
- T. Studd by Norman Grubb, the story of C. T. Studd, missionary to China, India, and Africa.
- The Triumph of John and Betty Stam by Geraldine Taylor, the story of John and Betty Stam, missionaries to China.
- Give Up Your Small Ambitions by Michael Griffiths, a book that assumes that we have given up our “small ambitions” and are pressing toward the mark of the great ambition—the “high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
- Flagellant on Horseback by Richard Ellsworth Day, the story of David Brainerd, missionary to United States Indians in early colonial days.
Business Math (PACEs 1–12) (1 Credit)
The student:
- Reviews general math concepts.
- Studies percentages.
- Learns about the hourly wage system, salary, and commission.
- Studies local, state, and federal taxes.
- Examines the purchasing and pricing of goods for profit, the wholesaler, and the manufacturer.
- Practices checkbook reconciliation, budget preparation, calculation of discounts, and insurance acquisition.
Accounting (Alpha Omega) (1 Credit)
Designed for grades 7-12, this math elective is a wonderful supplement for students who want to pursue a math or accounting degree, own a business, or enjoy money management. This full-color, consumable elective course comes complete with ten individual, motivating worktexts and a helpful teacher's guide.
The course covers:
- Transactions
- Posting items to a ledger
- Worksheets
- Financial statements
- Recording payroll, taxes, and more!
General Business (PACES 97–108) (1 Credit)
This study introduces the upper-level high school student to the world of business.
It includes:
- Markets
- Consumer studies
- Advertising
- Corporations and industries
- Careers in business
- Production
- Labor
- Federal control
- International business
- Banking and finance.
Beginning Art (Junior or Senior High School) (PACES 73–84) (1 Credit)
The student:
- Reproduces a number of illustrations in the course using pencil, charcoal, pen and ink, watercolor, tempera, and samples the art of lettering.
- Paints a color wheel, identifies warm and cool colors and mixtures, uses opposites on the color wheel successfully, and mixes colors to obtain the color needed.
- Studies line variation, design, and shape, and uses shading for depth and perspective.
- Draws various textures effectively.
- Learns to create well-balanced indoor and outdoor scenes, landscapes, and interiors.
- Uses stick figures to show action, indicates mood with facial expressions, and draws simple cartoons.
- Understands how to make a flannel board, creates flannel-graph backgrounds and story materials, and makes posters.
Advanced Art (High School) (PACES 97–108) (1 Credit)
The student:
- Studies an introduction to the tools of art: the pencil, pen and ink, and paints.
- Learns the principles of design: symbols, rhythm, shapes, and awareness.
- Investigates the hue, value, intensity, and proportion of color, and paints in color.
- Designs clothing, draperies, still figures, and figures in motion.
- Learns about observation, point of view, perspectives, and light and shade.
- Examines chalk talks (materials, setup, and tools for success) and generates a program.
- Discovers lettering, layouts, spacing, and other techniques designed to help the student integrate the learned material.
Music (High School) (PACEs 1–6) (1/2 Credit)
The student:
- Identifies various types of instruments—string, woodwind, brass, percussion, and keyboard instruments.
- Is taught how to read music.
- Learns how to select and purchase an instrument.
- Appreciates the background of great hymns and hymn writers.
- Gains knowledge of music notation including staff, clefs, intervals, scales, triads, and tetra chords.
- Learns the properties of tone (sounds, pitch, duration, intensity, and quality).
- Develops song-leading skills. n Recognizes recorded music from select composers.
Required resource: Music Appreciation CDs (audio)
Speech (PACEs 1–6) (1/2 Credit)
The student:
- Understands the importance of proper breathing techniques, adding variety through inflection, speaking with emotion and enthusiasm, improving eye contact, and learning to articulate sounds properly.
- Becomes mentally and physically prepared for public speaking.
- Observes how pause, stress, and pitch affect speaking.
- Identifies the symptoms of stage fright.
- Learns the importance of proper word choice.
- Uses multiple personalities in communication.
- Applies the concepts of effective speaking through the presentation of speeches.
Optional resource: Speech Illustrated (DVD)
Creative Communications Skills (PACEs 1–6) (1/2 Credit)
A speech course designed to help your student prepare and present a captivating story. Written in a PACE format, the workbooks include links to online videos illustrating the concepts being taught with suggestions fr group activities for families, small groups, or even classroom style settings.
- Importance of being able to hold attention of an audience.
- How to develop a meaningful story.
- Essential steps in preparing a captivating story.
- Presentation skills.
- Bible Stories.
Spanish (PACEs 1–12) (1 Credit)
The exciting Spanish I course represents a first in the video format. The videos present the instructional content, and the PACEs provide the drill and learning activities. The course consists of 24 instructional videos 12 PACEs, and 4 Score Keys. Videos now available online.
American Sign Language, ASL 1 and 2 (2 Credits)
This brand new book includes comprehensive instruction and online graded video practice quizzes, plus a comprehensive final video exam. There are more than 1,000 illustrations of signs with instructions on movement -- step-by-step with dialogue, tip boxes, and practice exercises and quizzes throughout to reinforce retention and to track your progress. Topics cover the Deaf culture and community, ASL Grammar, fingerspelling, combing signs to construct detailed sentences, Everyday ASL, and much more.
French (PACEs 97–108) (1 Credit)
High school students are introduced to the French language with special emphasis on developing good reading skills. Upon completion, students should have an understanding of the accidence (inflection of words) of the French language and will have had several opportunities to utilize the lessons learned through practice reading and recorded lectures.
Greek I (PACEs 121–132) (1 Credit)
This is an introductory course in the Greek of the New Testament designed to enable the student to read from the Greek New Testament. Vocabulary, grammar, and accidence (inflection of words) are the major studies, ending with an application of all grammar learned by translating I John. Required resources: Greek New Testament (Textus Receptus) and Greek Handbook
Collectivism (PACEs 133–138) (1/2 Credit Political Science)
The student:
- Studies the origins of collectivism in the revolt of Satan, the fall of man, the Tower of Babel, and classical and neo-classical utopian theorists.
- Examines the development of socialist movements from the seventeenth to the eighteenth centuries and studies an account of the fascist movements in Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, and Argentina.
- Investigates the order of the Illuminati, the French Revolution, Communism in ancient Greece and Rome, the Wesley Revivals in England, and the Awakenings in America.
- Analyzes the theory of Marxism—looks into the lives of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
- Considers the events leading up to the 1905 and 1917 Russian Communist Revolutions, the 1912 Chinese Nationalist Revolution, and the 1948 Communist takeover of China.
The Constitution (PACEs 133–136) (1/2 Credit Political Science)
The student:
- Studies the origins and foundations of the Constitution including its drafting and ratification.
- Memorizes, writes, and recites the Preamble to the Constitution.
- Discusses Article I—the organization, administration, and official duties of the legislative branch of government.
- Recognizes limitations on the President’s powers and duties, the duties of the executive branch of government, and a discussion of Article II.
- Researches methods of amending the Constitution and the organization, administration, and duties of the judicial branch of the government.
- Investigates certification of the Constitution as the supreme law of the land and ratification rules and procedures.
Family & Consumer Science (LIFEPAC set of 10 workbooks) (1 Credit)
This invaluable, one-year course covers relevant topics such as housekeeping, cooking, clothing, decorating, finances, child care, and more!
Astronomy (LIFEPAC set of 5 workbooks) (1/2 Science Credit)
Great for unit studies or make-up courses, Astronomy allows parents to provide a focused, alternative science course for junior and high school credit. This fun-filled, one-semester course includes five consumable worktexts and a handy teacher's guide packed with learning activities, material lists, answer keys, and alternate tests. Bible-based, self-paced lessons are easy to follow and cover information on the Earth's motion, eclipses, stars, constellations, the sun's energy, our solar system, telescopes and optics, space explorations, and more.
Geology (LIFEPAC set of 5 workbooks) (1/2 Science Credit)
Geology is a topical, one-semester elective that takes an in-depth look at the fascinating world of geology. This course studies Christ-centered content that covers Earth's structures and movements, fossils, relative and absolute time, oceanography, biological and chemical properties, atmospheric structure, pollution, and climates around the world.
Mankind: Anthropology & Sociology (LIFEPAC set of 5 workbooks) (1/2 Science or Social Studies Credit)
Great as a substitute course or unit study, LIFEPAC Select Mankind: Anthropology & Sociology combines units from two grade levels to provide a focused, alternative course for junior and high school credit. Bible-based lessons include step-by-step, student-directed studies on the origin and fall of man, the method of sociology, cultural backgrounds in the United States and distant lands, Earth's development by man, and more.