Art with a Purpose Grades 1-8
Art with a Purpose Grades 1-8
Art 1
Artpac 1 contains simple coloring skills, color-by-number, cutting and pasting activities, and simple drawing.
Art 2
Artpac 2 Simple coloring skills, cutting and pasting activities, thumbprint pictures, step-by-step drawing, making people out of stick figures, and basic perspective drawing introduced.
Art 3
Artpac 3 More coloring skills, shading, simple shape drawing, drawing faces, simple grid drawing, and painting.
Art 4
Artpac 4 Advanced coloring skills, shading with three-dimensional appearance, drawing from stick figures, simple shape drawing, grid drawing and paint, making 3-D pictures, and learning elementary perspective drawing.
Art 5
Artpac 5 Advanced shading techniques, lettering, reproduce pictures with the grid method. Mix, paint, and blend watercolors, perspective drawing, and free-hand drawing.
Art 6
Artpac 6 Advanced shading techniques using color pencils, lettering, reproducing pictures with the grid method, Mix, paint, and blend watercolors, perspective drawing, and free-hand drawing.
Art 7
Artpac 7 Advanced shading using soft lead color pencils, advanced grid drawing, including accurate enlargement and reduction. Attractive calligraphy, advanced painting with full color painting lessons using full color instructions, and shaded drawings of birds.
Art 8
Artpac 8 Learning to do pen and ink drawings with stippling, cross-hatching, use of lines to show shaping and movement. The student is encouraged to focus on the little details that bring a picture to life.